Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Tournament Nite 22

"When the enemy advances, withdraw; when he stops, harass; when he tires, strike; when he retreats, pursue."
- Chairman Mao Zedong (Tse-tung)

So tourney 22 has come around - some classic games too. Read on......

1UP - Qix
Buks hates this game. Its just one of those really annoying games - rubbish at it too. But so is Balki which is probably why, despite it being Balkis game, Buks won 2-1. Chortle.

2UP - Vs. Excite Bike
Oh the joy. This is a great game. Its got all the elements of a classic game - nice simple graphics, lots of tunes etc etc. And Buks was pretty damnded good at it too - especially against Balki who had never played it before in his life. Oh dear. So quite how Balki managed to wipe the floor with Buks and win 2-1 is still being debated. Even stevens now at 3-3.

3UP - Jackal
Great choice by Balki. Sort of like Commando but a lot better. Balki went first and posted a reasonable score, only to be beaten by Buks who posted a personal best. Then Balki lost all 3 lives of his second game within a minute of starting. His score was so low I'm not sure he logged it. Anyway, to save Balki the embarrasment, Buks won 2-0. Score now 5-3 to Buks.

4UP - Elevator Action Returns
Never really got into the first game in this series but EA Returns is a great looking game. Plays pretty good too. Balki needed to win this game 2-0 to force a tiebreaker but......... it wasn't to be. Balki lost the first game then declared.

Victory to Buks - the trophy is now back in its rightful place.

Thanks to Balki for the catering.


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