Monday, November 21, 2005

Announcing Wah!Cade

Okay, so this is not really anything to do with me but ..... My co-tournament buddy Balki has been secretly developing a Linux clone of the excellent Mamewah. Written in Python, it should actually work on Linux, Windows, Mac and Amiga. Only tested on Linux so far though.....

I've had some success as lead tester (I just gave myself that job title, better tell Balki....) except my laptop doesn't appear to like the latest version of Ubuntu (Breezy 5.10). It worked much better on the previous version (Hoary 5.04). Shouldn't have upgraded !

Anyway Balki's site is listed in the link section on the right >>>>>>>>

Post any findings etc on the BYOAC forums !

Friday, November 11, 2005

Tournament Nite 8

The silverware finally returned to my trophy cabinet last night after a compehensive victory over Balki. The event was hosted by Balki who also provided catering and refreshments.

First up was Out Run. In practice I was appalling so I decided not to spend too much time on it as I knew Balki was pretty good at it (he used to beat me on the real thing back when we were at Uni together). Despite this defeatist attitude, I managed to pull one out of the bag and claimed first blood. No doubt this was due to nerves on Balki's part - which proved true as he went on to completely slaughter me in the next 2 rounds.

Time Pilot - I spent many an hour playing this on holiday one summer back in the 80's. I don't think I ever got past the UFO level but my high score was pretty good compared to the rest (a small holiday camp somewhere in the Lake District I seem to remember). My first round looked like a total disaster after I lost all but one life on the first level. Then I managed to turn my game around as I completed the next 3 levels or so on 1 life - beating Balkis previous best in the process. Neither of us did brilliantly but I did better Balki's personal best on both rounds so he didn't really stand a chance.

Next up was Sky Kid. Balki's choice here - I managed to get some practice in over the past week so it looked like honours would be even. Balki suffered a couple of disasters though including forgetting to pick up the bomb on the first level. Picking up the bomb and dropping it on target is where all the bonus points are so this was Balki's big mistake. Balki needed to win this 2-0 but unfortunately for him, he didn't. The tournament was won after this game (much trophy waving ensued).

Last up was Super Cobra which Balki admitted to having never practised. We only managed one game as victory was already mine. Bloody tough game it is too - I'm pretty good at Scramble (I can complete the first base and nearly the 2nd) but this is waaay too hard.

So another victory chalked up. Next games will have to be chosen carefully as the past two tournaments have seen both Balki and myself throw "home" games away.





Out Run







Time Pilot





Sky Kid





Super Cobra



