Go Buks ! Go Buks !
The headline says it all really. Victory has once more visited chez Buks and the trophy cabinet is no longer empty. Balki blamed the Dhal but this was thought to be in revenge for Buks blaming Balkis sausage casserole after the previous defeat.
Normally games are picked at least 1 week before the schedules tournament but as usual Buks was messing about with the cab installing lights and exciting stuff (more on this in a later post) so 2 games were hastily picked less than 24 hours prior to "kick off".
First up was Buks first choice Tiger Heli. Neither Buks nor Balki had actually played this much but it looks like a classic 80's shooter. Buks posted an appallingly low first score but secretly hoped that Balki would fair even worse. Not to be. Balki stepped up and although he did't do well, scored enough points to draw first blood. Balki 1-0. Time to kick some butt for the second game. Buks did well, in an amateur only played this game twice type way. Unfortunately for Buks, Balki then went on to triple his score, topping the games hi score table and taking the first game 2-0.
Next up was Asteroids. Balki had spent many a wee hour playing this a few years back when he shared a house with a self confessed 'Roids addict. But then Balki threw his entire reputation on the arcade scrapheap and posted his all time lowest score ever. Smelling blood and fear (and Dhal) Buks stepped up to the machine and played an absolute blinder to take the first game. Balki still leads 2-1. Another round starts and Balki once more takes to the controls. The pressure was too much though and he posts a slightly better than the previous round score. Coming in for the kill, Buks attempts to take full points from Balkis favoured game. But this was not to be - a couple of mistakes early on and GAME OVER. Balki scrapes back a point to lead 3-1. Final game was taken by Balki who obviously learnt from the previous 2 rounds and looked like he could have sat in front of the screen all night. Buks was unable to compete with his high score and lost the round and the game. Balki winning 4-1.
Time for a change from the old arcade games for this round. Buks and Balki had spent many hours playing Sensible Soccer back in the day and agreed that the new version (Sensi 2006) would make a good tournament game. Teams were chosen using the star rating - England (Buks) V Argentina (Balki). Memory of the game is a blur but suffice to say Buks too it convincingly 3-0. buks crawling back to 2-4. Next round it was decided to swap teams just in case of an advantage. Halway through the game, Balki said (and bear in mind it was 2-1 to buks at this point) "I think this game I'm playing better" at which point his game collapsed and he lost 5-1. Buks now firing on all cylinders and bringing the score to a closer 3-4.
Balkis final choice up next - Mario Brothers. Not to be confused with the NES or SNES games, this was an old arcade single screen affair. The object of the game is to stun and then kick the enemies while running around what looks like a sewer. Balki was up first and complained that he wasn't very good etc etc. It turns out he wasn't very good and posted a low score. Buks stepped up expecting the same kind of experience but managed to spawn a few moves and slaughtered Balkis score. Buks now on evens - 4-4. All to play for now - Balki had to win the next two games to retain the trophy. But disaster struck again, Balki repeating the experience of the previous round. Buks stepped up and was unstoppable - posting the games hi score and walking away with the trophy despite an early poor start.
| Buks | | Balki | | |
Tiger Heli | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | |
Asteroids | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Sensi 2006 | 1 | 1 | | 0 | 0 | |
Mario Bros | 1 | 1 | | 0 | | |
Totals | | | 5 | | | 4 |