Tournament Nite 6
Another Tournament already ? This was supposed to be over in Huddersfield but due to a diabetic incident I was unable to drive - so Balki kindly offered to come over to Leeds. After a splendind tea we sat down (at the new control panel) and started the tourney.
Seeing as it was supposed to be hosted by Balki, he became player 1 and we started with his first choice. I was never any good at 1942 in the arcades, but somehow managed to beat Balki quite convicingley in the end (NOTE : after much discussion we realised that we had in fact played 1943 in the arcades - almost identical gameplay though).
Next up was Bagman - a last minute choice of mine really. Neither of us had played it much and we had never seen it in the arcades. Balki sussed how the bonus points worked which basically meant he slaughtered me. We had a quick radge on Super Bagman afterwards to see if that was any good - a better game but too bloody complicated for us !
Quantum was Balki's second choice - and also one of my "reserve" choices which meant we were probably quite evenly matched. A great little game thats quite unique - maybe Quix is similar but not really. You can be doing really well then all of a suddent you've made a few stupid mistakes and its game over. I managed to win 1 game which gave me an advantage going into the last game ......
Irritating Maze. Its a maze and yes its irritating. I definately had home advantgae here as Balki had not really played this one before. The Novice level is pretty easy though so it doesn't take long to get used to it. One thing we noticed was - you don't actually get a score so its impossible to compare score. So we decided to award the point to the person who gets furthest. I managed to pip Balki on the first two games which meant I walked off with the trophy again ! 5-4 the score this time - only a matter of time before Balki picks the right mix of games and steals it off me !
The new CP is finally in place now - it sits nicely on the new box and Balki helped me attach the piano hinge to the lid so its now fully functional. Needs some woodfiller to cover up the counter-sunk screw and a dab of black paint. I will post photos when its done.
| PL1 Balki | PL2 Buks | ||||
1942 | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | |
Bagman | 1 | 1 | | 0 | 0 | |
Quantum | 0 | 1 | | 1 | 0 | |
Irritating Maze | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | |