Monday, January 30, 2006

Next Tourney games

the following games have been chosen for the next tourney night (9 not including the PES5 nite) :

  • Frogger
  • Cosmic Cop
  • Zaxxon
  • Monster Farm Jump
A couple of classics there plus 2 modern games. I remember playing Frogger to death on my Spectrum but never played it in the arcades (bored of it I think). Zaxxon was one of those games that the "big kids" used to play. I used to just watch in awe ! I remember the first time I saw Zaxxon in the arcade i thought it was almost realistic graphics (!). Cosmic Cop is an R-Type type game. Plays a good game but I'm pretty crap at sideways shooters (probably why Balki chose it). And finally, Monster Farm Jump - this one is a hidden gem if you ask me. I "discovered" it by clicking on the Random link on the maws site ( It reminds me of an old spectrum game called Bounder (or was it Bouncer ?). anyway, its a typical overly cute, completely mad Japanese game.

Practice sessions are taking place as we speak 9okay not while we're at work) so should be a good 'un.

New Lightguns !

Okay, so I've already bought the Guncon2 lightguns and got my brother to do some soldering on the vga cable to accept the composite sync. BUT, they never worked properly. Okay, so I got a couple of games of House of the Dead III up and running but there was loads of hassle calibrating, as well as never quite getting 2 player working. And MAME gun games never quite worked (due to dark areas of the screen).

So, I've ordered 2 LCD Topgun guns from as the BYOAC forum has been buzzing with people testing them and reporting good results. These guns are different in that they have a small camera on them that somehow tracks the position (theres two infra red "sticks" that attach to the side of the screen) so it doesn't matter what kind og screen/graphics card/cable you use.

I'll post more when they arrive.